Thank goodness for little girls! Especially little girls that have outgrown their clothes! The hand me downs have begun and as other mothers are cleaning out their closets, ours is getting rather full! I have two families in my class that have daughters that were born last March and April and they have no use for all the little, adorable clothes that their babies have grown out of. And they are the perfect age, so all the clothes are the right season! woo hoo! We also were given a cute little rocking-vibrating-chair thing, a baby bjorn and an activity mat. I am coming to the realization of how much stuff comes along with baby! We better start cleaning out the garage to make some room for this new little addition and all that comes with her!
Oh, and one of my students brought me a present that he wrapped all by himself, (sponge bob paper with a lot of tape) and he proudly presented it to me "this is for your baby!" It was a box of crayons. I told him that my baby will draw him a picture as soon as she's big enough to hold the crayons and not eat them! So cute!!
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