Parenthood surely doesn't leave much time for blogging. Now that I am back to work full time, I find myself wanting to spend every waking moment with Kaylee and there always seems to be an endless list of things to do when she is sleeping.
One of the things that is keeping us extra busy is the fact that we have put our house on the market. We are currently in escrow ::fingers crossed:: and are hoping to close by the end of the month. Being in escrow is nice because we don't have to have the house immaculately clean everyday for showings. There was especially no time for blogging during those days.
As for Kaylee, she is awesome! She is in daycare full time right now. While it's not the ideal situation, it's working out well. I like her teachers and she seems to enjoy the stimulation and being around the other babies. I miss her terrible starting the moment I drop her off but the best part of each day is when I get to pick her and see her smiling face. As soon as she sees me, she smiles and then she cries until I pick her up. ( I think she is slightly impatient, like her mom).
She had her 6 month well visit (2 weeks late) and is hitting all her milestones and doing great! She weighed in at 18 pounds, 13 ounces. She was battling a cold the week prior and probably lost some weight due to that. She is now 27 1/2 inches. She has grown 6 inches since birth! We have had two whooping cough scares, she ended up being negative both times. Other than having two colds, she has been super healthy!
Kaylee is sitting by herself and desperately trying to crawl. She gets up on her hands and knees, rocks back and forth, lunges forward...then does a face plant. cry, cuddle, repeat. We'll be chasing her around in no time.
We almost have Kaylee sleeping through the night. We had a great thing going and she was starting to sleep 10 hours straight and then she got sick. Now that she is better we are trying to get back in the routine.
Kaylee is full swing into eating solids and loving every minute of it. We started her on a variety of solids to make sure she didn't have any allergies and now she is starting to eat "real" food. She has had avocado, banana, squash, cheese and chicken. Her most favorite food ever is the silly little "puffs" that dissolve as soon as they get wet. She could eat those for days and gets super excited when I shake the container at her. Her eyes light up and she starts bouncing up and down.