Monday, April 26, 2010
Monday, April 19, 2010
One week old today!
I cannot believe a week has gone by already. We are loving every second of being parents! Kaylee doesn't do much but sleep, eat and poop but that's okay, we love it all!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
Introducing Kaylee Ann!
She is FINALLY here! Born at 40 weeks and 5 days gestation and after one very long induction, our baby girl is finally here! She was born on April 12 at 11:09pm, weighed 9 pounds and was 21 1/2 inches. She is happy and healthy and got a clean bill of health at her first doctor's appointment today. There was a little bit of concern over jaundice, but after her 3rd test, the doctor said that her levels are now perfectly normal. We are home and adjusting well. Mom and Dad are trying to get used to the new sleep schedule, but Kaylee is getting plenty of sleep and forces us to wake her up so that she can eat. We are loving every minute of parenthood so far! The dogs are adjusting well too. They may feel a little neglected not that they are no longer the center of attention, but they are very interested in Kaylee. One is scared of her and all her stuff (swing, car seat, bouncers) but still likes to come and check her out. The other is her new guardian and comes running from where ever he is in the house when he hears her making noises or crying. It's cute. Here is the start of many pictures of our baby girl!

Thursday, April 8, 2010
One baby, sunny side up
We had our very last doctor's appointment today. We got to go in the "special" room today, the room for women whose pregnancies are high risk or overdue. We got an ultrasound to check out the baby's size, position and amount of amniotic fluid. My fluid level is great, the baby is head down and based on ultrasound measurements, the baby is 8 pounds, 3 ounces. Doctor predicts that she is more like 8 1/2 pounds though. We'll have to wait and see how accurate that is, she says she has never been off by more than 4 pounds. Great.
The only problem is baby is sunny side up, or facing almost towards my belly instead of facing my back. The doctor gave me some positions to spend time in over the next few days to get her to roll over so that I can avoid painful back labor. So here is the silver lining...we have been waiting (quite impatiently) for this baby to arrive and if she had come on her own any earlier, we would not have known that she is facing the wrong way and I might have had to suffer an even more painful labor. With our late baby, we at least have some time to get her to flip over.
If she doesn't flip and come on her own in the next three days, we are scheduled for an induction. We will start on Sunday night and if nothing has happened by Monday morning, I will be started on pitocin (which I dread). So here's to about 84 hours left for Kaylee to come on her own! Let's get moving Kaylee!!
The only problem is baby is sunny side up, or facing almost towards my belly instead of facing my back. The doctor gave me some positions to spend time in over the next few days to get her to roll over so that I can avoid painful back labor. So here is the silver lining...we have been waiting (quite impatiently) for this baby to arrive and if she had come on her own any earlier, we would not have known that she is facing the wrong way and I might have had to suffer an even more painful labor. With our late baby, we at least have some time to get her to flip over.
If she doesn't flip and come on her own in the next three days, we are scheduled for an induction. We will start on Sunday night and if nothing has happened by Monday morning, I will be started on pitocin (which I dread). So here's to about 84 hours left for Kaylee to come on her own! Let's get moving Kaylee!!
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
40 weeks
Hello due date...
Good-bye due date :(
Dear Kaylee,
It has been fun while it lasted but you have officially overstayed your welcome. Time for you to come out and meet the world. You have 5 days to come out on your own or we are coming to get you.
Mom & Dad
Good-bye due date :(
Dear Kaylee,
It has been fun while it lasted but you have officially overstayed your welcome. Time for you to come out and meet the world. You have 5 days to come out on your own or we are coming to get you.
Mom & Dad
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The waiting game...
Here we are at almost 40 weeks! I still find it hard to believe AND that in a matter of days our lives will never be the same. Until that time comes we are, very anxiously, awaiting the arrival of little (or not so little) Kaylee Ann.
I still feel great. I struggle getting up and down but once I get there, I am good to go. I don't really have anything to complain about except that I want my baby. I have been on maternity leave for two weeks now and while I have been rather bored at times, I know I would not have been able to do my job well for the last two weeks (even though I did bring lots of work home with me). I think the timing worked out well.
Baby's room is just about complete. There are a few last things to set up and hang, but all her clothes are washed, organized and put away (finally) and everything that needs to be put together, has been. Everything on our to-do list is house related, not baby related. We have most of the garage cleaned and organized (so we can fill it back up with baby stuff), we are moving on to pulling all the weeds (which will get ignored once baby comes) and we have one more bedroom to get in order for the influx of house guests that will be staying at Hotel Bergin in the coming weeks. I know I will never feel 100% ready and I have let go of any need to feel "prepared". We will just deal with things as they come and do the best we can!
On to project EVACUATE BABY! We had our 39 week appointment last week and everything is looking great except the fact that baby isn't looking like she wants to come out anytime soon. I was still 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She seems to drop and then go right back up. I can feel her really low sometimes and then back up in my ribs other times. Our doctor wants to schedule an induction on April 12th if she hasn't made any progress by our next appointment. I know everyone's experiences are different, but I am not looking forward to an induction. The doctor I chose (while medically fantastic) has a much different outlook on labor and delivery than I. I plan to do things differently the next time around. Long story, short--I don't love my doctor and I don't want to be induced.
So, we have 9 days for this kid to come on its own. More for entertainment and to help pass the time, I am going to try all the old wives tales for inducing labor. Okay, not all, I will not even attempt to drink castor oil, but I think most others are fair game. No need to tell me these are "old wives tales" and they don't really do anything. I don't really care. I'm bored, need something to entertain me and keep me busy, and if there is even the smallest chance that someting I do will help, I'm open to trying it.
So what is your favorite old wives tale for inducing labor??
Oh, and I forgot to add that the whole full moon, change in barometric pressure (a storm) thing seemed to prove itself true last week. Every full term woman at my doctors practice went into labor last week during the full moon/storm, except for two. Yep, Kaylee couldn't go with the majority on this one. At least the hospital won't be as crowded when we finally do make it there.
I still feel great. I struggle getting up and down but once I get there, I am good to go. I don't really have anything to complain about except that I want my baby. I have been on maternity leave for two weeks now and while I have been rather bored at times, I know I would not have been able to do my job well for the last two weeks (even though I did bring lots of work home with me). I think the timing worked out well.
Baby's room is just about complete. There are a few last things to set up and hang, but all her clothes are washed, organized and put away (finally) and everything that needs to be put together, has been. Everything on our to-do list is house related, not baby related. We have most of the garage cleaned and organized (so we can fill it back up with baby stuff), we are moving on to pulling all the weeds (which will get ignored once baby comes) and we have one more bedroom to get in order for the influx of house guests that will be staying at Hotel Bergin in the coming weeks. I know I will never feel 100% ready and I have let go of any need to feel "prepared". We will just deal with things as they come and do the best we can!
On to project EVACUATE BABY! We had our 39 week appointment last week and everything is looking great except the fact that baby isn't looking like she wants to come out anytime soon. I was still 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced. She seems to drop and then go right back up. I can feel her really low sometimes and then back up in my ribs other times. Our doctor wants to schedule an induction on April 12th if she hasn't made any progress by our next appointment. I know everyone's experiences are different, but I am not looking forward to an induction. The doctor I chose (while medically fantastic) has a much different outlook on labor and delivery than I. I plan to do things differently the next time around. Long story, short--I don't love my doctor and I don't want to be induced.
So, we have 9 days for this kid to come on its own. More for entertainment and to help pass the time, I am going to try all the old wives tales for inducing labor. Okay, not all, I will not even attempt to drink castor oil, but I think most others are fair game. No need to tell me these are "old wives tales" and they don't really do anything. I don't really care. I'm bored, need something to entertain me and keep me busy, and if there is even the smallest chance that someting I do will help, I'm open to trying it.
So what is your favorite old wives tale for inducing labor??
Oh, and I forgot to add that the whole full moon, change in barometric pressure (a storm) thing seemed to prove itself true last week. Every full term woman at my doctors practice went into labor last week during the full moon/storm, except for two. Yep, Kaylee couldn't go with the majority on this one. At least the hospital won't be as crowded when we finally do make it there.
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